Eligibility Requirements
Approved Species List
* A, B, and C refer to size class of eligible tree species.
A = large tree 50+ft at maturity
B = medium 25-50ft at maturity
C = small 25ft at maturity
For example: a Sugar Maple (class A) would be rebate eligible, while a Japanese Maple (class C) would be ineligible.
**Red maples are ineligible
Earl Thieneman Garden Center | 12704 Old Henry Rd., Anchorage, KY 40223
Frank Otte Nursery & Garden Center | 2930 Bardstown Rd. 40205
Frank Otte Nursery - Middletown | 12902 Shelbyville Rd. 40243
Grant Line Garden Center & Nursery | 2223 Grant Line Rd., New Albany, IN 47150
Hess' Landscaping & Nursery | 1136 Logan St. 40204
New Blooms Nursery | 502 W. Arrowhead Dr., New Albany, IN 47150
The Plant Kindgom 1000 E Market St., Suite B, 40206
St. Matthews Feed & Seed | 225 Chenoweth Ln. 40207
Stephenson Garden Center | 8136 Dixie Hwy. 40258
Wallitsch Garden Center | 2608 Hikes Ln. 40218
Walnut Ridge Nursery & Garden Center | 2108 Hamburg Pk., Jeffersonville, IN 47130