Tree Rebates

Tree Rebates

Branch Out and Cash In!

Ready to plant? Participate in TreesLouisville’s Tree Rebate Program and earn up to a $40 rebate on the purchase of a shade tree.

Lower Your Bills and Raise Your Value
Breathe Easy
Keep Our City Cool
Help Restore the Canopy

Eligibility Requirements

  • Tree must be selected from the Approved Species list (see other tab).
  • Minimum purchase price is the price of the rebate: $40 for an (A) tree, $30 for a (B) tree and $20 for a (C) tree.
  • Tree must be planted in a residential yard (excludes public right-of-way)
  • Program open to Jefferson County, KY residents only.
  • Max 3 submissions per household.
  • Tree must be 7 gallon or larger when purchased (trees in containers this size are typically about one inch in diameter).
  • Rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis while funds are available.
  • Rebate is only eligible for purchase price of tree (i.e. excludes tax, planting or delivery fees, etc.)
  • Receipt must be dated within one year of rebate submission. 

Approved Species List

  • Oak (A)*
  • Ginkgo (A)
  • Sweetgum (A)
  • London Planetree / Sycamore (A)
  • Kentucky Coffeetree (A)
  • Basswood (A)
  • Bald Cypress (A)
  • Maple (A, B)**
  • Blackgum (B)
  • American hornbeam (B)
  • Magnolia (A, B, C)
  • Native Redbud (C)
  • Serviceberry (C)
  • Kousa Dogwood (C)

* A, B, and C refer to size class of eligible tree species.

A = large tree 50+ft at maturity

B = medium 25-50ft at maturity

C = small 25ft at maturity

For example: a Sugar Maple (class A) would be rebate eligible, while a Japanese Maple (class C) would be ineligible.

**Red maples are ineligible

Get Your Rebate

shop local garden centers & Nurseries

Earl Thieneman Garden Center | 12704 Old Henry Rd., Anchorage, KY 40223

Frank Otte Nursery & Garden Center | 2930 Bardstown Rd. 40205

Frank Otte Nursery - Middletown | 12902 Shelbyville Rd. 40243

Grant Line Garden Center & Nursery | 2223 Grant Line Rd., New Albany, IN 47150

Hess' Landscaping & Nursery | 1136 Logan St. 40204

New Blooms Nursery | 502 W. Arrowhead Dr., New Albany, IN 47150

The Plant Kindgom   1000 E Market St., Suite B, 40206

St. Matthews Feed & Seed | 225 Chenoweth Ln. 40207

Stephenson Garden Center | 8136 Dixie Hwy. 40258

Wallitsch Garden Center | 2608 Hikes Ln. 40218

Walnut Ridge Nursery & Garden Center | 2108 Hamburg Pk., Jeffersonville, IN 47130

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