Building on the success of Louisville’s inaugural Tree Fest in April 2022, Tree Week is an effort to engage our community in celebrating and raising awareness of the value of our community forest. From October 8th-16th, join TreesLouisville and partners for a week of activities across Louisville Metro, including tree planting, mulching and pruning, tree tours/walks, outdoor activities like yoga, biking, scavenger hunts, hiking at local landmarks, and nature therapy/mindfulness walks. Tree-centric events like film showing, art and music, storytime and library events, K-12 programming, and guest speakers/webinars will also be included.
On October 8th, TreesLouisville will be hosting a tree giveaway at the Louisville Zoo, and on October 15th, TreesLouisville, Louisville Metro and Louisville Grows will be working with the Smoketown neighborhood on a community-wide planting day.
Interested in hosting your own Tree Week event? Register your event here
or view a list of activity ideas
Hosts will be recognized for their event through the Tree Week website, Facebook event page, and in a printed brochure which will be distributed at farmers markets, community events, coffee shops, libraries, schools, and more leading up to Tree Week. Submissions are due by September 10th in order to be included in any printed marketing.
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